Introducing Our Online Platform Pendulum Talks

“Excellence Is An Art Won By Training And Habituation. We Do Not Act Rightly Because We Have Virtue Or Excellence, But We Rather Have Those Because We Have Acted Rightly. We Are What We Repeatedly Do. Excellence, Then, Is Not An Act But A Habit.” Aristotle

We are excited to introduce Pendulum Talks, a new online platform launched hot on the heels of the culmination of Pendulum Summit 2018 providing subscribers with 24/7 access to content from previous Pendulum Summits.

Pendulum Talks is on a crusade to bring together the world’s most influential thought leaders and visionaries through a series of innovative presentations and masterclasses. Their goal is to showcase the most advanced methods and approaches on how to create a life of authenticity, efficiency, wealth and creativity, and wants those who join their platform to learn that they have the potential to take their lives to the next level and create the legacy they desire.

We Work With The World’s Leading Experts

We don’t believe learning should ever be boring…but rather a fun, thrilling and rewarding adventure! Pendulum Talks works with the world’s leading authors, entrepreneurs, teachers, business experts and motivators to deliver world-class content and game changing insights directly to you.

Pendulum’s five key areas for success
  • Self-Empowerment
  • Authentic Relationships
  • Leadership and Team Performance
  • Business Excellence
  • Professional and Wealth Elevation

New Content Delivered Weekly

We look forward to bringing you a consistent stream of videos and summaries over the coming weeks to help you sustain the momentum of Pendulum Summit’s key learnings.